Monday, November 9, 2009

Am I dreaming??

Alright, its not that boy- girl interaction does not exist AT ALL.. Its there, its just.. rare.

A few weeks back i was walking back to Tijara (CCE) and I was startled by a loud laugh.. I looked up to see who it was and to my shock I saw three girls sitting on a bench, laughing.

No, the shocking part was they were talking to four other three boys who were standing next to them.. Now of course i wasnt sure what to think.
A part of me wanted to run over, introduce my self and have a drink with them. And the other part was actually... feeling bold.. That these kids decided to talk to each other IN PUBLIC! OUT SIDE OF CLASS!

To be honest i walked passed them a couple of times, not sure why.. lol
I didn't know if they were friends from before or if they just go to classes together but that sight got me thinking.. At least we have some open mind-ness here which is GREAT!

So to the group sitting together, I salute you! It sure looks fun :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Adventure No.2 : The no Abaya day

I guess you could call it casual day? I'm sick of Abaya day? I didn't know everyone would make such a big deal out of it day?

Anyways, I have seen a couple of girls not wearing abayas but wearing a brave face and thought to myself: hey, i don't want to wear abaya anymore!

The next day i show up wearing a long skirt and shirt that i was feeling very comfortable in and i thought looked cute.

There were fliers they gave us when we were in the introductory week that had the university rules, one of them was of course dressing appropriately according to Islamic rules, which meant to basically cover up.

They should have said if you didn't want to wear abaya you should prepare your self for the stares, stink eyes and mean gossiping( both to your face and behind your back).
Actually they should have assigned a whole week for that.. You know preparing you for it. Scaring you out of it, making you live in a bottomless pit of black cloaks and swarvosky crystals.

Dont get me wrong, i love abayas but too much of a good thing is BAD.

SO anyways, the staring started when i walked in my college where i needed to ask my adviser a few questions. Everyone, girls and boys and men and women alike, stared. Some quickly turned their heads when they noticed me notice them! lol
Others shamelessly keeping on( those are the girls!)

I started to feel my confidence crawling away and locking itself in a little box far far away by the minute! even though i am pretty confident.

The worst part was walking out.. on the free land! between colleges!
everybody stared, it was like a monster was out on the loose!! No one knew how to react exactly..

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Adventure No.1: My arabic book

It was a long day of running around trying to find the Library to get the books I needed for my Arabic class- A task Ive been avoiding for a week now.
I found myself lost in the amazing replicas of corridors and halls and i thought I'd better ask someone if i wanted to get there before my class.
I scanned the room.. There were a couple of Beduion boys looking looking at me and saying things amongst themselves. I'm sure they were making fun of the lost puppy face I had on, after all i am a ''9a3eediyah'', or freshman.
I decided to walk up to a group of girls who looked like they were in their 2nd or 3rd year and approached them with a smile. One of them said :'' you better hurry up doll face, they close up soon! I'm not even sure if this the girl's day"
GREAT! i thought to myself.. I had forgotten all about the male female separate days saga and breathed out a thank you then started running, trying to recall where the library is exactly..
I ran pretty fast down the stairs and there were a couple of people coming up and down the staires. One boy was walking behind me, seemed to be in quite a rush, stepped on the hem of my abaya. To my luck i was wearing my ''chick chick'' Abaya (lol) that went all the way up.
Of course, because its me, and because im in a hurry.. he would do that, and my abaya would open up exposing my cleavage that was comfortably hidden under my tank top and abaya.
I let out a scary shriek and dropped my folders and quickly started buttoning it up .. my face a bright red mess at this point.

I breathed in a deep deep breath, picked up my stuff and looked around then thanked god no on was there to witness the accident. Otherwise i would have been the talk of the Uni for years.

so after i gathered my self i went to the library,only to find the doors locked!
How perfect :)

I decided to take a break so I sat in the waiting area for a second looking outside the doors, my eyes hurt because it was-of course- extremely sunny. If I was to start wandering away i bet all the trees would disappear and turn into the yellowy white sunshine.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

افكر بصوت عالي

اش معنى الشباب لهم ممراتهم الخاصة و المكيفة و المظلله و احنا البنات لازم نحترق فالشمس؟ و الحر القاتل؟
كأنهم تعبوا عشان يدخلو الجامعه! صح انه بعض الشباب تعبوا لكن الحقيقه ان معظمهم دخلوا بسهوله تامه.
ما مثلنا حن البنات, كل وحده تقتل نفسها فالدراسه و تجيب نسبه فالتسعينات ما شاء الله و بعدين تجلس فالبيت..
بالعكس الحين النسبة فالثمانينات تعبر جريمه! اتذكر يوم كنت اقول حال اهلي او الناس اللي يسالوني عن النسبه و اقول:"فالثمانينات" شكلهم يتغير فجأه و بعدين يشوفو علي كأنهم يقولو يا حرام او يا ربي ما اغباها او مسكييينه,, هي ما شاطرة واجد.
للأسف الشديد.. هذا هو الواقع لكن نشتكي حال من ولا من؟
اصلا في حد يسمع او يهتم؟؟.

و بعدين اش سالفه الناس اللي يشتغلو فالجامعه؟؟ غير الدكاتره و اهل الكافيتيريات و الفيرات.. قصدي ذول اللي فالعمادة و لا اللي فالبنك ؟
كل واحد شريراكثر عن الثاني. و كل شغلهم انهم يعقوك عند اي حد غيرهم كأنه ما شغلهم انه يساعدونا.
و النظرات اللي يعطونك اياهم.. تخاف والله. بس بغيت افهم ليش كل هذا الحقد؟ يعني بالعكس انت جالس تساعد حد و تسهل له الامور!!
يا حرام

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Girls Girls Girls..

So lets face it.. SQU has a certain reputation for the people attending it.
Especially girls. The girls who are not a part of the group of girls.. or shall i say Majority of the students know what im talking about.
and im sure most of the guys do too.

I was out with my friends and my friends mother was saying hi, of course she asked me about uni and all.. I said its alright.
Then she paused and said: "bintSQU inti kef ma3 el banat? mal SQU feehum shanabat" * BintSQU how do you get along with the girls i hear they all have mustaches( hairy upper lips)
I started laughing of course and so did my friends.. At that point i guess i didn't realize the massive reality of what she was asking.
Funny enough after she asked me that question i became obsessed with upper lips. I found myself examining every girl i was talking to and every girl passing by.

Im afraid that.. statistically speaking.. A very high percentage of girls seemed to like having a hairy upper lip. Which is something i don't understand on so many levels.

first of all..Its normal, whatever.. hair grows. REMOVE IT! it hurts, you'll get over it.Wax it thread it I don't care it doesn't matter just .. do it.

Another thing i noticed is that a LOT of girls are beautiful, they just dont care about their apppearence whatsoever.
I'd like to ask you girls, why?

if you had the fine type of hair I'd get it if you don't for a bit but if its that horrible kind of hair AND YOU LIKE TO GROW IT. I think you have issues and you need to do something about it.

And for all you religious fanatics, people from the dreaded Islamics department.. Looking good is part of being a good Muslim.

Please girls, take that extra five minutes in the morning to fix the way you look.. You cant seriously tell me that you are okay with the way you look.

ليش يا بنات؟؟

زين .. وقت الحقائق!
بصراحه, من دون لف و دوران .. لا تحاولوا تنكروا انه لطالبات جامعة السلطان سمعة معينة.
البنات اللي ما فهذي المجموعة و معظم الشباب فاهميني؟

هذيك اليوم كنت طالعه مع صديقاتي, نتعشى و بعدين ام ربيعتي جت تسلم علينا و طبيعي تسألني عن الجامعه فقلتلها انه كل شي اوكيه.
وبعدين سألتني سؤال شكله كلن فبالها من زمان..
انتي كيف مع بنات الجامعه؟ كلهم مال شنبات"

انا و صديقاتي طبعا ضحكنا لكني فذاك الوقت ما لاحظت صحة و جدية هذا السؤال.
لأني كنت اضحك..!

فيوم السبت لاحظت اني جالسه ادقق بطريقه غير عاديه على الشفايف العليا لمعظم البنات اللي كنت اكلمهم او مروا من جنبي. و للاسف وصلت الى الاستنتاج المحزن انه معظم البنات.. يحبون الشنب.. عليهم.

ما اعرف ليييييييييييييش!!!!! حاولت و حاولت افهم لكن مااااا اعررررفففف ليش اي حد بيكون كذا.
يعني ما الشعر الخفيف, لا, الشنب! شنننننننننب!! و كأنه شي عادي!!!!!!!!!!

هذا الموضوع يأثر فيني فعذروني شويه.

الكثير من البنات اللي اشوفهن فالجامعة.. حميلات بصراحة بس لو يهتموا فنفسهم شويه بيكونو ملكات جمال, ربيعتي معي فالجامعة قالتلي انها الحين تفهم ليش معظم هل الخليج يقولو انه البنات العمانيات ما حلوات.

يا بنات.. ليش ؟ ليش ما تهتموا فنفسكم و تشيلو الشنب؟ ما بتطيح السما على الارص لو ما شلتوه!
و يا شباب ابش رايكم و انتو تكلمو بنت و ما تقدروا تركزوا على الكلام اللي تقوله لانك مركز على الشنب؟

بسم الله

اول شي بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم طبعا
انا طالبة فجامعة السلطان قابوس, قررت ابدأ هذه اليوميات بصراحه, بسبب الملل القاتل اللي يصيبني وانا فاضيه فالجامعه.
الجامعة حلوه, جامعه السلطان قابوس.. طبعا! من في عمان ما يبغى يدرس فيها؟؟
انا بصراحة قصتي مع الجامعة قصة طوييلة و عريضة.. انشالله بحكيها لكم قريبا :-)

طبعا كل يوم فالجامعة مغامرة..(يعني) اول مغامرة هي انك تحاول تحصل المبنى اللي كلاسك فيه.
المشكله انه الجامعه كبيره, تعتبر كأنها مديينه صغيره والله. و الطامه الكبرى انه كل مبنى مطابق تماما للمبنى اللي جنبه.

هو صح انه بعد شويه الناس تبدأ تتعود على الاوضاع و الاماكن لكن ليش ما كانوا المهندسين او معرف مين اللي يهتم بهذي الاشياء يحاولوا ينوعوا شويه فالمباني؟ و لا على الاقل تكون في لوائح كبيره ( ما لونها ذهبي, اللي من بعيد ما يقدر يقراه لانه يتداخل مع لون المبنى) مثلا اسود و لا اي لون غامق.. و تكون من جهتين؟؟
بس يالله مو نسوي؟

لا تنسوا تتركوا تعليقاتكم افكاركم بعد القراءة

so im a student at SQU and its pretty cool, i mean its SQU! right? what Omani doesn't want to study there?
my story with SQU is a long, LONG one.. and i will be sharing it with you so don't worry :-)

anyways, going to SQU is an adventure(well, kinda!) i mean right now my biggest adventure is trying to figure out where my next class is.

The campus is huge, its like another little, morbid,mean city.. and the fact that every building looks exactly the same as the one next to it DOES NOT HELP!

alright so you get used to the place after a while but come on.. couldn't the architects-or whoever it is to blame- at least try to change things up a bit?
maybe make the labels bigger and not the same golden color that blends in with the whole building, maybe black or any dark color.

Anyways I'd love to hear from you so leave your comments below!