Sunday, October 18, 2009

بسم الله

اول شي بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم طبعا
انا طالبة فجامعة السلطان قابوس, قررت ابدأ هذه اليوميات بصراحه, بسبب الملل القاتل اللي يصيبني وانا فاضيه فالجامعه.
الجامعة حلوه, جامعه السلطان قابوس.. طبعا! من في عمان ما يبغى يدرس فيها؟؟
انا بصراحة قصتي مع الجامعة قصة طوييلة و عريضة.. انشالله بحكيها لكم قريبا :-)

طبعا كل يوم فالجامعة مغامرة..(يعني) اول مغامرة هي انك تحاول تحصل المبنى اللي كلاسك فيه.
المشكله انه الجامعه كبيره, تعتبر كأنها مديينه صغيره والله. و الطامه الكبرى انه كل مبنى مطابق تماما للمبنى اللي جنبه.

هو صح انه بعد شويه الناس تبدأ تتعود على الاوضاع و الاماكن لكن ليش ما كانوا المهندسين او معرف مين اللي يهتم بهذي الاشياء يحاولوا ينوعوا شويه فالمباني؟ و لا على الاقل تكون في لوائح كبيره ( ما لونها ذهبي, اللي من بعيد ما يقدر يقراه لانه يتداخل مع لون المبنى) مثلا اسود و لا اي لون غامق.. و تكون من جهتين؟؟
بس يالله مو نسوي؟

لا تنسوا تتركوا تعليقاتكم افكاركم بعد القراءة

so im a student at SQU and its pretty cool, i mean its SQU! right? what Omani doesn't want to study there?
my story with SQU is a long, LONG one.. and i will be sharing it with you so don't worry :-)

anyways, going to SQU is an adventure(well, kinda!) i mean right now my biggest adventure is trying to figure out where my next class is.

The campus is huge, its like another little, morbid,mean city.. and the fact that every building looks exactly the same as the one next to it DOES NOT HELP!

alright so you get used to the place after a while but come on.. couldn't the architects-or whoever it is to blame- at least try to change things up a bit?
maybe make the labels bigger and not the same golden color that blends in with the whole building, maybe black or any dark color.

Anyways I'd love to hear from you so leave your comments below!


  1. صح والله الضياح ما مزاح .. بعدين يقولو عنا صعايده

  2. My exact thoughts even though I don't study there.

    Welcome to the world of blogging, Bint SQU.

  3. Thankyou Kitten!
    I'm really Clueless and in need of a lot of help!

    But thankyou
    Keep reading, the good stuff are on the way.

  4. You're doing great so far, I'll be looking forward to your updates =).

  5. What kitten said :p
    welcome to blogging ;)

  6. well..
    i read what you wrote,, since you don't like wearing abayah then you don't have to wear, I'm a student there who doesn't wear abayah always.
    plus that i don't give the chance for others to laugh to stare cuz m confident somehow..
    just ignore them and dont pay attention
    you are doing great girl so keep it up
