Monday, November 2, 2009

Adventure No.2 : The no Abaya day

I guess you could call it casual day? I'm sick of Abaya day? I didn't know everyone would make such a big deal out of it day?

Anyways, I have seen a couple of girls not wearing abayas but wearing a brave face and thought to myself: hey, i don't want to wear abaya anymore!

The next day i show up wearing a long skirt and shirt that i was feeling very comfortable in and i thought looked cute.

There were fliers they gave us when we were in the introductory week that had the university rules, one of them was of course dressing appropriately according to Islamic rules, which meant to basically cover up.

They should have said if you didn't want to wear abaya you should prepare your self for the stares, stink eyes and mean gossiping( both to your face and behind your back).
Actually they should have assigned a whole week for that.. You know preparing you for it. Scaring you out of it, making you live in a bottomless pit of black cloaks and swarvosky crystals.

Dont get me wrong, i love abayas but too much of a good thing is BAD.

SO anyways, the staring started when i walked in my college where i needed to ask my adviser a few questions. Everyone, girls and boys and men and women alike, stared. Some quickly turned their heads when they noticed me notice them! lol
Others shamelessly keeping on( those are the girls!)

I started to feel my confidence crawling away and locking itself in a little box far far away by the minute! even though i am pretty confident.

The worst part was walking out.. on the free land! between colleges!
everybody stared, it was like a monster was out on the loose!! No one knew how to react exactly..


  1. 1- I love your English posts :).
    2- Screw everyone who's gonna gossip about you or stare at you! As long as you're dressed decently then you're not the one who should be ashamed. THEY should.
    I know a few people who didn't wanna wear abayas to SQU everyday and yeah they went through all that staring and talking at first but eventually people would get over it. Who cares what they think anyway?

  2. Gee that sounded so awkward..
    I know alot of girls who dont wear abaya nor shaila but when they come to college they do wear both abaya and shaila..

    hal ayam even when you look perfectly normal they always have something to pick on or a salfa to gossip about I know this may sound unfair, but stick to the "black cloaks" when you go to uni xD

  3. Hmm.. abayas? what Uni girls wear here? Well it's a controversial issue to me. I don't want to speak much about it but to let you know how much I suffer when thinking about what I should be wearing at Uni I'll just be honest with you and tell you that I'm a Dhofari girl who had given up wearing Qamboo3a.. It was a brave decision after thinking for a long time. I just want to make my life easier, but it looks girls' life is COMPLETELY complicated, as this post illustrates, lol! *sighs*


  4. Hmm.. abayas? what Uni girls wear here? Well it's a controversial issue to me. I don't want to speak much about it but to let you know how much I suffer when thinking about what I should be wearing at Uni I'll just be honest with you and tell you that I'm a Dhofari girl who had given up wearing Qamboo3a.. It was a brave decision after thinking for a long time. I just want to make my life easier, but it looks girls' life is COMPLETELY complicated, as this post illustrates, lol! *sighs*


  5. Non crowned princess!! I CANT BELIEVE YOURE A QAMBOO3A-LESS DHOFARI!!
    No no no, that's bad!!

    Wolf Doll, thanks :)
    I can handle the stares but now I'm thinking twice about not wearing abaya.. But I don't mind being different :)
